
This is where I post updates on this website. (Dates follow the DD/MM/YYYY format)

25/10/2024 - Spooky update!

I made the navbar orange, that's it lol

I also might add some more games for the halloween season, but I'm lazy..

29/08/2024 - More Angry Birds stuff

Hello! I've been working on fixing the webgames recently and I got them working!

If you get a login prompt when playing any of them, just enter whatever you want as the email and password and it should work just fine.

But that isn't all, I also got the original pages to work so you can play them with the original embed too.


22/08/2024 - Hello World!

Hi! This is the first post on the website, and if you've used it before, you may have noticed lots of stuff has changed!

The entire site has gotten a complete overhaul, and that's because I decided to replace the ugly ui from my old site with a new one and update it a little! You can still access the old website at, but some things might not work properly.

I will make more posts in the future when I add more stuff like games, but I think that's gonna be it for this post.
